Monday, July 14, 2008


I've noticed something. The more serious we (my husband and I) get about being missionaries, the more trials we go through. I'm starting to get used to bad things happening... just knowing the Lord is going to get us through it somehow, but wondering how He's going to do it this time.

Last Tuesday, the car accident happened. The insurance is going to take care of it and everything.. so that trial is basically over, except for the fact that we still need to look for another car (we're driving a rental right now). Now, the next trial is health problems... which is easy to take care of, but costs money. We don't have the best insurance coverage because Vince is technically self-employed until he finds another job.

What's crazy is, all of this is happening ever since we started planning a trip to Chile for February. We really want to go, and the missionaries we'll be working with (The Robinsons) really need us to come. If everything works out, we'll be staying there for 1-2 months. I was a little nervous about the idea at first, but I'm getting excited about it more and more each day.

It's so obvious that the devil doesn't want us to go there. It's like he's trying to discourage us, but I know he can only do as much as the Lord allows him to do. Some of this may be the Lord just testing us to see how much we trust Him. Either way, it just proves that if you're going to be a missionary, you're going to face trials. Somehow, that doesn't scare me though. I'm looking forward to seeing what blessings come out of enduring all of these trials. If nothing else, it's a testimony to other people. It shows that God really does give His children grace to endure trials. :-)

1 comment:

Katy-Anne Binstead said...

I hope things start picking up for you guys Kathie, but just remember...since you are saved you are a "winner either way".