Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Trial turned to blessing

Sometimes, when you step back from a situation and look at the big picture, you just have to realize that it was the hand of God taking care of you all along. That's exactly what I'm dealing with right now.

A few months ago, it seemed horrible that my beautiful 2006 Chevy Cobalt got totaled. I got to a point where I wondered if God was taking it away from me because I didn't deserve it, or something like that. I wasn't blaming God, I was just wondering if it was some kind of "discipline" or whatever. Well, now it's obvious that He allowed it to happen for a good reason. 

I can't explain the reasons here, but the reason it's a good thing the car was totaled is because I had gap insurance to take care of the loan. It's going to be cleared up as if it never existed, except for the part where I made payments faithfully... that'll still look good on my credit. If the car wouldn't have been totaled, my credit could have been ruined real soon. That would have been just another burden for us to deal with...but the Lord protected us from it.

He is always so good to take care of us. :-)


Katy-Anne Binstead said...

Yep, it's true that we don't always see why God allowed something until later...sometimes it's MUCH later. Glad you can see the benefits though.

Jessica said...

Amen! That's a blessing. I know many people that don't know the Lord look at things like that and wonder how we can rejoice when bad things happen. But my husband and I have a similar story... Last year at Christmas time my husband and I were engaged, and we were thinking it was going to be quite a while before we could get married. We had some bills to pay off and more things to buy for the house, and it just didn't seem like it was going to work out any time soon! We had all our household things and furniture that we had purchased in a storage building outside my parents' house. Just after Christmas (I think it was) a large storm came through and knocked a tree right on top of our building. It was a Sunday morning and we were all still in bed, but this woke us up! It hit so hard the whole house shook, so you can imagine shat kind of damage it did to the building. Thankfully, most of our things were ok. And the things that were not ok... ended up being things that we didn't really need anyway! But the best part is that because of that happening we had to move everything over to our home (That the Lord had just provided a couple of months earlier), and then we were able to use the money that we got for the storage building (since we didn't need to building anymore) and pay for the last things that we needed! So, needless to say the Lord worked it all out! And we got married Januray 26th! In only a few weeks, God used something that "looked" to us like a trial and turned it into a blessing!!!

GREAT POST!!!!! :)