Monday, October 20, 2008

Please, make it stop!!

I've got baby fever and it needs to go away!!!

Every time I see a little baby now, I start daydreaming of what it would be like to have one of my own. I get jealous when I see a pregnant woman (whether in pics or real life), and I find it irresistible to read blogs written by women who have recently had babies.

The problem is... we aren't going to have any babies yet because of SO many reasons! Of course, the main one is that Vince doesn't have a full-time job yet, so we can't afford to feed a baby if we can barely afford to feed ourselves. It's hard being patient right now. It's really, really hard.

So I figured out the solution. The baby fever needs to stop. Does anyone have any experience with "getting over" baby fever?? How did you get it to go away??? :-P


Rachel said...

Unfortunately, I think the only cure for "baby fever" is to have a baby...either that or realize how incredibly expensive it is to have a little one and scare yourself out of it! That's all I know...I understand the baby fever thing since that's how I was when we first got married. I've known for a long time that what I wanted from life was to be a mother...that's about it. So even before Samer and I were married we knew we wanted a family right away. God's good and will give you a "little blessing" in His time. :)

Erin said...

I followed a link to your blog from Rachel's (I used to work with her). I understand how you feel because my husband and I are waiting a little while to have kids too. I find have specific things you want to accomplish before you start a family helps us out because it gives us a goal to work towards. I also have spent a lot of time exploring costs associated with having a baby, which helps to make you feel overwhelmed (or maybe that's just me). Also just keeping busy and doing things helps. Espeically things you wouldn't be able to do with a baby such as just randomly going out and doing something or just sleeping in insanely late. I ussually flipflop between being scared of the idea of having a baby to wishing we could just go ahead and have one.