Sunday, October 19, 2008

Voting for Chuck Baldwin..

...and sick of the McCain supporters saying it's a "wasted vote".

Yeah, so a few of you already know that my husband and I have joined the Chuck Baldwin side. We've decided to vote for principle, instead of just settling for the "lesser evil". We know Chuck Baldwin won't win, but we'd rather vote for him than McCain.

As much as I liked Sarah Palin when she first came on the scene, she really is just another politician. She has to help McCain's campaign, so she has to compromise on several issues to do so. We don't need politicians in the White House, we need men that will uphold our Constitution and do what's right.

So, that's my 2 cents. :-)


Rachel said...

Samer and I just watched a 3rd party debate that took place in 2004 at Cornell University...Awesomeness! I wish everyone would watch it.

Katy-Anne Binstead said...

Haha so what happened to "win you over?" Vince was pretty upset at 3rd party voters not too long ago. But that's ok, coz we all change and I'd not hold it against ya even if ya didn't LOL.